Women love Labels.
We want to know the quality of the item we were seeking. We believe that if we at least know the name on the label, we are able to determine if the item is worth purchasing, sacrificing, and tailoring. If only we knew the label, we could make decisions on when and where to wear this item. The material, the fit, the color, and your feel in the item matters, but if the label is not suitable for your tastes some women shy away at even bringing the item along to certain events. Women love labels because the labels give women a since of how significant the item can appear to not only themselves, but society at large.
Unfortunately, we sometimes get so caught up in labels that we disregard how precious an item can be and ignore how it may compliment our features. Why shy away at a Payless pump if the color goes perfect with your gown and they feel great on your feet? Should we not just enjoy the time we have with the shoe and Thank the Lord they do not hurt our feet while out with friends? Far too often, we mistake labels with superiority and we miss the opportunity to just live in the moment. Yes, women love labels---especially when it comes to relationships.
Last night I sat with a close friend who is confused about a relationship with her boyfriend (or whatever label/category she will ultimately decide). We discussed the problems we both share with having to know exactly what our relationships with men mean. She explained that its easier to know what to expect when you have labels. She went on to say how much easier it is to know that you are with someone exclusively and he is with you too. So of course I had to play Devil's Advocate for while. I asked whats in a label? Is it not enough to know that you have a healthy relationship with a great guy? A guy who supports you, prays for you, and wants the best for you? Then we started to discuss, at what point is it really necessary to have a label?
According to Steve Harvey's new book, Act Like A Lady Think Like A man--there are five questions you must ask a man to know where you really stand in a relationship with him. But I will not spoil the book, you have to go buy your own!
I honestly think labels get in the way of building a relationship, but at the same time, it is comforting to know where you stand. This year I have resolved to focus on MsBlake and wholeheartedly believe that all things will come together in due time. Until then...live life and forget the labels....
...At least until my biological clock really starts to tick.
Women and Labels.
1 comment:
Great post and you're definitely right about labels. Labels get in the way, sometimes people rush into things and thats their downfall.
I used to rush into things with women in my youth but now I'm realizing the importance of building a common bond or friendship first. it also helps you appreciate the person more because both of you are buildin on friendship initially.
So def no need for label when both parties have a have a real intrinsic feelin about where they going together. But I don't agree wiht the statement about 'payless shoes' cause they typically are bad for your feet and Hammer time is def not poppin' lol
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